"The Shadow Queen" By: Kristy Verlaine

"The Shadow Queen" By: Kristy Verlaine
***She stays in the shadows, in the corners, hiding, watching, examining the ones that walk this world, wondering, if she will ever be able to walk among them again. She lingers in the thought of love, though, she still hides, hidden, where she knows she will be safe for that is all she has ever known.*** Writen by: Kristy Verlaine

Monday, November 3, 2014

"Moira" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

Photos By: Kristy Verlaine
Pose: Katink
Backdrop: Kristy Verlaine
Outfit: Sweet Lies Designs
Acorn Staff: Sweet Lies Designs

******One word can only describe this outfit.......AMAZING!!!!
Sweet Lies has all kinds of beautiful outfits for RP or just for who you are in Men and Women's. I get asked where do I get my outfit all the time. And I point them to Sweet Lies. Why Not, She is the best I know in Second Life and I have been in SL for a long time now. Take the link below and check it out yourself and make sure you join the group. XOXO