"The Shadow Queen" By: Kristy Verlaine

"The Shadow Queen" By: Kristy Verlaine
***She stays in the shadows, in the corners, hiding, watching, examining the ones that walk this world, wondering, if she will ever be able to walk among them again. She lingers in the thought of love, though, she still hides, hidden, where she knows she will be safe for that is all she has ever known.*** Writen by: Kristy Verlaine

Friday, December 29, 2017

"Bring in the New Year"

 "Bring in the New Year" 
           Photos by: Kristy Verlaine
          Model by: Kristy Verlaine

 I and the rest of us here at the studio would like to wish everyone a safe and amazing New Years. No drunk Driving. Come back home to us. 
   As the Owner, I hope that this coming new year will bring us here at K.I.P.S. some good luck and spin out some amazing pieces of Art to you. Some of my crew I work with on a daily bases are people I can trust. And that coming from me is a lot. If I do a photo with some models here at K.I.P.S. it doesn't mean I'm cheating on my partner/ husband. This is a piece of Art. Something to be proud of. And I am. (Smiles) I have and is still trying to learn that Not everyone is a bad person. So spread the love, and have a Happy New Years
                                         Love, Kristy Verlaine

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

"Gabriella the Snow Queen" Photos by: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses(Gabriella)


  Make Sure You Stop by the store or go on Marketplace and check out all She has. If you join the group you will get updates on New poses that's coming out and don't forget the Group Gifts. She is amazing at what she does and she puts all her heart and soul into her work just for you. 
                                                 Thank You
                                                             Kristy Verlaine
                                                              K.I.P.S. Owner

Friday, December 1, 2017

"Car Load of Gifts" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 "Car Load of Gifts" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Models: Kristy Verlaine (K.I.P.S. Owner)
                  Guy Lenden (K.I.P.S. Security & Model)

 Pose By: Something New Props&Poses (Car Load of Gifts)


 Make Sure ya'll Join the group for updates on poses and whats new, along with amazing group gifts. If you take the Link to the shop on SecondLife , you will land in a Beautiful Winter Wonderland with Holiday Poses out and places you can take a photo and boxes right there to buy them. As you walk along the paths, you will come up to the stores where she has other poses just for you or for you and your partner. I will give it a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!!!!!
So go on over or visit the websight on MarketPlace.
 With all my love here from K.I.P.S. , Kristy Verlaine

 Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"Biker" By: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses(Biker)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Indian Princess and the Full Moon" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Poses By: Something New Props&Poses (Indian Princess and the Full Moon poses was used)
 Model: Kristy Verlaine

Monday, October 30, 2017

"Left on a Shelf" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses (Left on a Shelf)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"Scorn Witches Brew" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses (Scorn Witches Brew Featured with a Ghostly Studio Background)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

"Killer Tunes" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Models: Kristy Verlaine and Loy Verlaine
   Pose By: Something New Props&Poses ( Killer Tunes)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Deathly Owned" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses (Deathly Owned)

Monday, September 11, 2017

"Juana" Photo By: Kristy Verlaine

 Model: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Kristy Verlaine

  Wearing: SweetLies Designs-(Juana), green. 

 This amazing outfit comes in different colors you will love. Make sure you stop by her shop, join the group, and see what she has coming out next. I have loved her and her outfits for a long time now, and even with all the bodies changing, she has made them now, to where I am able to wear them. So stop on by. 
                             Hugs and Loves
                             Kristy Verlaine

Saturday, September 2, 2017

"Mother Dragon" Series

 "Mother Dragon" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses


 Model: Kristy Verlaine

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

SLIA Freedom Firetruck Rally (Special Edition) Blog&Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

  First, I have to start this out by saying, this experience was just amazing. This Blog I'm writing up is not like all my others. This one is a very special tribute to all the Fire Fighters in the world in real life and in Secondlife. 
  Some may look at what I do as a joke but honestly, they don't understand. That's ok. I am here to explain to everyone why a Fire Fighter is also one that deserves much more then what we really give them. 
  These men and women give their lives to protect us. They do this because, they absolutely love what they do. And for that, I Thank every last one of you.
   To understand what SecondLife is is exactly what the name is. A Second Life. There is a whole world out there that these Fire Fighters protect, in real and in SecondLife. These men and women , either living out the fantasy of wanting to be a real fire fighter in SecondLife or they are real fire fighters living out what they have seen and been through in real life in to SecondLife. 
  One of my best friends, Stven Russell, took me to the SLIA Freedom Firetruck Rally the other day in SecondLife and when I got there my mouth was open wide. Looking around and seeing all these trucks, air planes, and helicopters, all the work and art and thought and remembering every little detail that goes on these pieces of art to me is absolutely amazing. The pieces on these trucks even came off to help them with the fires. In some of the photos I am going to post , you will see all the little parts to the trucks. 
   At this Rally, As I looked around , you seen, 
      * All Firefighting apparatus and emergency
      *Air crash Rescue Trucks.
      Haz-Mat, Rescue Trucks, Command and Control
       Trucks and Trailers.
      * As well as Air Craft, Helicopters and Fixed 
  Some of the photos I will post are by me, and the others are by Stven Russell. Just to show you all what it was like to be there. You seen trucks that had the American Flag on them to one that was dedicated to the Breast Cancer Awareness done in all pink. The heart and soul of all the men and women was in all the vehicles you seen there. So much pride and joy. I was honored to be able to see this with my own eyes even though it was just in SecondLife. It was still an honor because it was done by all Heroes.
                        By: Kristy Verlaine

"The Energy Within" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine (K.I.P.S. Owner)

 Photos taken By: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses(The Birds and the Bees)
 Model: Kristy Verlaine

I hope everyone makes sure they check out all her poses on Marketplace. The Link to it is above. And as always, have fun with it. XOXOXO

Friday, June 30, 2017

"Behind You" Photos By: Kristy Verlaine

 "Behind You"
             Photos By: Kristy Verlaine
Pose By: Something New Props&Poses (Behind You)
 Models: Kristy Verlaine
               Male model is a Member of the Verlaine Family and a K.I.P.S. Model. 
                                              Name will not be shared